The concept of comorbidity is a simultaneous lesion of two or more organs and systems of the
body, proposed in 1970 by American physician A.R.Feinstein. Comorbidity affects the clinical
course of the underlying disease, prognosis safety and effectiveness of treatment. [5,6]The
problem of comorbidity is important for both science and practical health care. Comorbidity is
distinguished by syndromal (transsyndromal) or nosologic (transnosologic) principle and
somatic categorization. [1,2]
This division is largely preliminary and inaccurate, because diseases can be associated with a
single mechanism of pathogenesis, which is sometimes explained by the similarity of their
clinical manifestations and complicates the differential diagnosis by nosology. There are
several methods of comorbidity assessment, but there is no single universally recognized way
of its measurement. [3,4] Therefore, we evaluated comorbidity by the number of systems and
nosologies involved in the pathologic process.