Xulosa. Tadqiqotga 60 nafar COVID-19 kasalligi bilan bogʻliq xayz davriyligini
buzilishlari mavjud ayollar kiritildi. Undan 20 nafari COVID-19 kasalligi yengil
formasi bilan, 20 nafari COVID-19 kasalligi oʻrtacha ogʻirlikdagi formasi bilan, 20
nafari COVID-19 kasalligi ogʻir formasi bilan bemorlarga boʻlindi. Nazorat guruxini
20 nafar sogʻlom ayollar tashkil qildi. COVID-19 kasalligi bilan bogʻliq hayz-ovarial
funksiya buzilishlari mavjud ayollar endometriysida estrogen (ER) va progesteron
(PR) retseptorlarining ekspressiyasini sezilarli 2.0-2.5 baravarga pasayishini koʻrsatdi.
COVID-19 kasalligi barcha, yengil, oʻrtacha va ogʻir darajasi mavjud ayollarda ERα
va PRA retseptorlari pasayishi aniqlandi. Xususan, yengil darajadagi kasallikda ERα
va PRA ekspressiyasi oʻrtacha past aniqlangan boʻlsa, oʻrtacha va ogʻir darajadagi
kasallik shakllarida bu koʻrsatkichlar sezilarli yaʼni 2,0-2,5 baravar past darajada
aniqlandi. Kasallik retsidivini oldini olish va reproduktiv funksiyasini tiklash
maqsadida oʻtkazilgan gormonal terapiya samaradorligini baholash maqsadida
oʻtkazilgan takror IGK- tadqiqot natijalari, mikronizirlangan 0,060mg gestoden va
0,015 mg etinilestradiol saqlovchi preparat bilan 3 oy davolangan bemorlarda
endometriy ERα va PRA retseptorlarining ekspressiyasining sezilarli 1.5 va 2.0
baravarga oshganini koʻrsatdi.
Summary. The study included 60 women with menstrual cycle disorders associated
with COVID-19. Among them, 20 patients had a mild form of COVID-19, 20 patients
had a moderate form of COVID-19, and 20 patients had a severe form of COVID-19.
The control group consisted of 20 healthy women. Studies have shown that women
with menstrual and ovarian dysfunctions associated with COVID-19 experience a
significant decrease in the expression of estrogen (ER) and progesterone (PR)
receptors in the endometrium by 2.0-2.5 times. A reduction in ERα and PRA
receptors was identified in all women with COVID-19, regardless of the severity of
the disease: mild, moderate, and severe. Specifically, in cases of mild disease, the
expression of ERα and PRA was moderately reduced, while in moderate and severe
cases, these indicators were significantly lower, that is, by 2.0-2.5 times. Repeated
immunohistochemical studies conducted to assess the effectiveness of hormone
therapy aimed at preventing disease recurrence and restoring reproductive function
showed that in patients treated with a drug containing micronized 0.060 mg gestodene
and 0.015 mg ethinylestradiol for 3 months, the expression of ERα and PRA receptors
in the endometrium significantly increased by 1.5 and 2.0 times.