Uslubiy tavsiyanoma allergolog, terapevt, pediatr, otolaringolog, umumiy amaliyot shifokorlarining amaliyotida bronxial astma kasalligini erta, o‘z vaqtida to‘g‘ri tashxislash usuliga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib birlamchi sog‘liqni saqlash va statsionar sharoitida ushbu kasallikni erta va differensial davolash yondashuvini to‘g‘ri tashkil etish, asoratlarining oldini olish, tez-tez rivojlanadigan xurujlar profilaktika choralarini ko‘rish va uzoq vaqtli remissiyaga o‘tkazishga xizmat qiladi. Ushbu tavsiyanomada berilgan usullar bronxial astmaning tashxislash muammolarini hududlar doirasida hal qilish, differensial yondashuv samaradorligini oshirish, og‘ir asarotlar profilaktikasini tizimli joriy etish, maxsus terapevtik markaz va allergiyaga qarshi xizmat sifatini takomillashtirishda alohida amaliy-ilmiy ahamiyatga ega.
Methodological recommendations are devoted to the algorithm of diagnosis of bronchial asthma in the practice of allergist,therapists, pediatricians, general practitioners, which is of great importance in the system of inpatient services and primary care for timely detection, differential diagnosis, prevention of complications, prevention of frequent exacerbations of seizures with the achievement of long-term remissions, the development of severe, complicated forms of the disease, improvement of quality The organization of a specialized therapist and allergist service is of great practical importance.