The article presents data on the study of the influence of “Ecdystene” on the development of alloxane diabetes, the activity of
matrix metalloproteinases, and the content level of their inhibitors. Metalloproteinases are involved in various physiological
and pathological processes requiring proliferation and migration of cells and, consequently, restructuring of the extracellular
matrix. When applied for treatment during 14 and 21 days, Ecdystene surpasses glucose and Retabolil in terms of hypoglycemic action. In alloxane diabetes, there is a reliable increase in the activity of metalloproteinases, especially on the 14th
day of its development. Contrary to comparison preparations, Ecdystene has a more pronounced effect on metalloproteinase
activity. Treatment with Ecdystene for 14 and 21 days contributed to an increase in the TIMP-1 content by 2.2 and 1.5 times
compared to the untreated group. Glucose and Retabolil increased the content of TIMP-1 on the 7th and 14th days of treatment by 1.26; 0.9 and 1.48; 1.17 times compared to the untreated group. Changes in the activity of MMPs contribute to a
decrease in catabolism of the components of the extracellular matrix. To achieve high efficiency in the treatment of diabetes
in the clinic, it is recommended to use Ecdystene in combination with other drugs.