Objective: Сomparative analysis of intoxication syndrome in acute diarrhea in HIV-infected children. Material
and methods: The study included 261 HIV-infected children 0-18 years of age with acute diarrhea, diagnosed on the
basis of clinical, virological, immunological, bacteriological, serological and statistical studies. Results: In acute di arrhea in HIV-infected children, intoxication was generally moderate (73.0%). In acute viral diarrhea in HIV-infected
children, febrile body temperature was often observed, and in bacterial diarrhea, there was a pyretic increase. In chil dren with acute viral diarrhea, the duration of intoxication up to 3 days occurred 2 times more often, and more than 7
days, on the contrary, 2.7 times less often than with acute bacterial diarrhea. Conclusions: Against the background of
HIV infection, intestinal infections of both viral and bacterial etiology are always accompanied by severe endotoxicosis.