Purpose: to study the effect of probiotics on the intestinal microbiocenosis
of young children who are naturally and artificially fed.
Materials and methods: 70 children under natural and artificial feeding,
under the age of 1 year, were selected from the 37th family polyclinic of
the Chilanzar district of Tashkent. Their feces were examined in the
bacteriological laboratory of the SEO and OZTsChilanzar district of
Tashkent and sensitivity to antibiotics was determined by the disk-diffusion
Analysis and discussion of the results. 43% of babies were girls and
57% boys. Breast-fed children account for 73%, and formula-fed children
account for 27%. The norm is 83.5% in 51 breastfed children, 12.8% with
monoinfection, 3.7% with mixed, 35.3% with monoinfection. In 19
children on artificial feeding, mixed infection was detected 64.7% more
Conclusions. After testing for dysbacteriosis, young children with altered
normal microflora and identified pathogenic bacteria consumed probiotics
for two weeks to several months. Re-examination showed positive results
in sick infants. The effectiveness of such probiotics as Normoflorin-L,
Bifolak active, Bifidobacterin has been shown.