The lungs perform not only a respiratory function, but also participate in maintaining
homeostasis in the body. Nonе дыхательным функцєям-respiratory functions of the lungs
include:protective (90% of90% aeropollutants are neutralized in the lungsby
pulmonaryslugs,immunoglobulins and alveolar macrophages), filtration
(purificationofенєе bloodand mechanical impurities), фєбрєнолєтєческаяfibrinolytic and
anticoagulant (maintenance of hemostasis), participation in lipid metabolism (лlipolysis of
fats, blood), сєнтеѓ surfactantsynthesisп, water balance maintenance (removal of up to
500 ml of water per day with exhaled air),hormone and neurotransmitter synthesis
(exchange of serotonin, histamine, angiotensin, acetylcholine, norepinephrine),
detoxification (neutralization of xenobiotics),hemodynamic (blood reservoir, shunt
between the right and left sides halves of the heart), t-thermoregulation, b-suction
(andthe inhalation route of drugadministration), c-secretory (isolation fromerosive mucosalого secreta), and others. The synthetic function consists in the synthesis , of
heparin, phospholipidsincluded in the surfactant, activation of angiotensin I,
prostaglandins, and thromboxanes. In the microcirculatory bed of the lungs, kinins,
angiotensin-1, prostaglandins, serotonin, and catecholamines are metabolized, and this
function depends on the blood flow rate and the microcirculatory units included in the
enzymatic function. When venous blood passes through the lungs, about 80% of
bradykinin, 60-98% of serotonin, 40% of norepinephrine, a significant amount of
acetylcholine, up to 60%of endo - and exogenous kallikrein are inactivated, protecting the
body from endogenous intoxication and from the action of vasoactive substances,
whileaminalin, dopamineамєн and isoproterenol do not change.